
The Antidote

Counterspin for Health Care and Health News

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Free online evidence-based health care course

The U.S. Cochrane Center at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health is offering a free online course in evidence-based health care. It's designed for consumers and consumer advocates who need to be able to distinguish high-quality research evidence from evidence that's not so reliable. The U.S. Cochrane Center is part of the worldwide Collaboration, comprising some of the world's gurus on evidence based medicine, and the course is taught by breast-cancer survivor and patient advocate Musa Mayer, and was co-developed by Kay Dickersin, Cochrane Center director.

A little quiz: I've attached the nifty logo of the Cochrane Collaboration. Would anyone care to describe what it represents? (Epidemiologists should hold back, at least for now.)


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